
Please refrain from sending tons of forms, it's just annoying and pointless! Send one form per person, and remember there are only 50 spaces at the time until we expand or something. Thanks!
  #1 What is the nickname you'd like to use? 
 #2  What is your e-mail address? 
  #3 What kind of games do you like? 
   #4 What were the main the characters in Final Fantasy 7?(last names to) 

   #5 What do you think of the upcoming RPG Final Fantasy 8? 
   #6 What genre of games do you like? 
   #7 What were the eight badges you needed to get in pokemon?
   #8 How many bromides were there in Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete? 
   #9 Who do you think was the best RPG villain of all time,Ghaleon of Lunar:Silver Star Story,or
   Sephiroth of Final Fantasy 7? 
   #10 What was the ending in Twisted Metal 2 for Thumper?