Welcome to the news section! First of all I will say right now this site is mainly for playstation fans. There will be a few things about other consoles like Dreamcast,Gameboy,Dolphin, and yes even N64 every once in awhile. If you have any questions that aren't answered in our site go to MIRC and download mirc5.6 and go to the channel #EliteGamers and someone from our club will be able to help you. Now that we're through all the technical stuff let's talk playstation. PLAYSTATION 2

Everyone seems to have big hopes for playstation 2(including me) but why are we glorifying it before it even hits the shelves? America doesn't even get the console until March of 2000, it's not that long, but it's far enough away for us. Sure PSX2 sounds great but in this case isn't it possible tht sounds coud be deceiving? Well, That's just something there to think about (you know with the brain God gave all of us, or so I thought :) I have to admit i am pretty psyched about PSX2 and the excellent graphics but as true game players Tein and I stick to testing out consoles before giving them a rating. For right now Final Fantasy 8 is what we're keeping our eyes out for. It is scheduled to come out the 9th of this September and that will hopefully tide us over until the release of PSX2 and as for you non RPG gamers, I don't know what your going to play until the release of PSX2. Maybe a hit action game like The new Metal Gear Solid V.R. Training we have more updates on that game at the bottom. Well, for further updates on playstation 2. Go to www.playstation.com for further details and awesome pics of what it will look like!Don't forget to check out our chatroom on IRC, #EliteGamers and #animecentral! Also you can talk to Tien Shinhan on ICQ! PLAYSTATION 3?!?!?!?!

Yes you have heard it correctly!!! Playstation 3 is coming in the year 2004 or 2005..... for more info go to www.psm.com or subscribe to PSM magazine for only $1.00 a month!!!!!

Metal Gear Solid V.R Missions Preview
Final Fantasy 8 review
Mega Man Legends: Tron? sorry not here yet
StarWars Episode 1: The Phantom Meance sorry not here yet